Alzheimer's/Brain Health
Alzheimer's disease is, today, the most commonly recognized form of dementia. My own mother began manifesting symptoms of AD when she was only 49 years old. She died an "old woman" at 58. Thankfully, during the years since her demise I have become very confident that Alzheimer's disease is preventable, stoppable, and, perhaps, yes, even reversible to some extent. This is not information you are going to hear on the news or from your doctor. Remember, the information presented in the mainstream acknowledges only treatments and cures that spring from the AMA toolkit. (I am broadening this page to include brain health in general, but I also have an indepth Parkinson's page; See HERE.)
Click the image to the right to view Part 1 of Outsmarting Alzheimer's - a one-hour webinar video from Saturday, September 7, 2024, on my Rumble Channel.
"You have much more power than you know..."
To the left, click on the image to access the 1-hour video, "Outsmarting Alzheimer's" Part 2.
This video takes us into hormones; the vital importance of cholesterol, and from there pregnenolone, DHEA, and progesterone.
After that, digging into the importance of maintaining adequate levels of serotonin. Stay tuned for Part 3 next week!
To the right, click on the image to access the 1-hour video, "Outsmarting Alzheimer's" Part 3.
This video takes us to nutritional lithium, procaine (GH3), glutathione, melatonin, methylene blue, the B vitamins, as well as things to avoid, such as routine vaccinations laced with aluminum & mercury; aspartame, dietary sugars, proccessed foods, and foods laden with pesticides.
Preventing, treating, stopping, maybe even reversing?
The science exists.
The cumulative science - and lots of it - has existed for a long time and continues to be collected.
But I'll bet nothing I talk about with regard to Alzheimer's disease today is anything you have ever heard of during a loved one's
physician visit.
I'll just bet there's been practically no conversation about diet, dietary dangers, or medical dangers such as aluminum and mercury from his or her yearly flu shot. I'll be there's been zero conversation about the well-researched role of nutrients and hormones and how utilizing them wisely just might make a nice difference, and, yes, based on "the science."
My presentation on this topic is dear to my heart, as my own mother began manifesting symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at the ripe old age of 49 and died an old woman at 58.
Science has come a long way since that time, and my understanding has come a long way since that time, but - astoundingly - effective treament and better outcomes have NOT come a long way since that time.
What's wrong with this picture?
I start my presentation with a look into the:
and how the industry has admitted a profitability problem with relation to cures -
"Is curing disease economically feasible?"
My presentation on this topic is LONG, so I will be taking it in parts; perhaps two or three, depending on how far we get during today's hour.
I speak from what I know. I have actively been preventing Alzheimer's disease in myself for some 20+ years. I'll tell you how to do it, too.
In the video to the left, you will find my presentation on epigenetics using the examples of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
"If you know what your genes aren't doing for you, go in and do it another way."
For your own copy of the presentation in pdf format, please click HERE.

Klotho proteins, discovered in the 1990s, play a significant role in longevity and cognitive function, with elevated klotho levels linked to prolonged lifespan and enhanced brain health.
Dr. Dena Dubal’s research indicates that klotho can strengthen cognitive functions and potentially protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Lifestyle factors, like chronic stress and exercise, significantly influence klotho levels, with stress reducing and exercise increasing this protein, thereby impacting overall brain health and longevity.
Stimulating the Vagus Nerve Could Slow Cognitive Decline–Here’s How
"Neff said any technique that stimulates the vagus nerve can help improve cognitive health by improving vagus nerve activity and addressing dorsal vagal shutdown. More accessible and natural options than device-based VNS include singing, humming, and chanting, which can be practiced at home.
Chanting is a practice found in cultures worldwide, and for good reason. One study shows that chanting “om” can calm the limbic system, the part of the brain linked to emotions and stress.
'Since the vagus nerve is connected to the vocal cords and muscles in the back of the throat, using your voice in mindful ways can directly activate this nerve,' Neff said."

Physical Exercise & Brain Health
Joseph Mercola, MD - Jan 30, 2025
"A Penn State College of Medicine study demonstrated that daily physical activity, regardless of intensity, improves cognitive processing speed by approximately 60 milliseconds, effectively reducing cognitive age by about four years."