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Over the years I've gathered lots of research on this topic.  Scientific studies that don't get a lot of press and very interesting.  I just honed in on a very interesting paper regarding the use of nicotine patches for treating long-haul Covid.  While I had been aware that smokers mysteriously did better with Covid and the use of Covid chewing gum for helping bring back sense of taste and smell, this paper brought all the scientific explanation to it!  We always thought the virus locking into the ACE2 receptors were the big deal, but apparently, the virus also locks into the nicotinic ACHr's (acetycholine receptors), and the virus uses this as a gateway into the body.  This is the connection you may read about connecting snake venom and rabies as behaving simililarly to SARS-COV-2.  Acetylcholine transmission is vital for neurological health and preventing neurodegenerative diseases, so bumping the virus out of the receptors with nicotine is a huge plus for health.  According to this paper, transdermal nicotine is non-addictive, and, of course, you only need to use it for a limited time.  CHECK IT OUT.  Is the post-COVID-19 syndrome a severe impairment of acetylcholine-orchestrated neuromodulation that responds to nicotine administration?

The good news is that whether you have had Covid-19 and have residual symptoms, or whether you received innoculations and suffer side effects or worry about them, there are proactive things you can do!  

This page will be a collection of files I will slowly be adding to from my private stash as time allows.  
Click above to view my one-hour webinar from Nov 23, 2024 on YouTube, or view on Rumble.   
Click above for the informational newsletter that accompanies the video.  
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