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Heart Health

This is one of the most frustrating areas of health when it comes to clearing up the misleading maintream misinformation (MMM).  From cholesterol to hypertension to arterial plaque and the real causes of cardiovascular disease, its prevention, and its treatment, what is happening in the doctor's office is often at significant odds with what true science reveals.  TRUE science, not "sell-drug" skewed science.  Nearly every day someone asks me about what to do for his or her cholesterol.  "My doctor told me I need to take a statin."  Often my inquiry regarding numbers leaves me dumbfounded.  One man, just yesterday, total cholesterol 174!  A statin drug?  LDL 117, triglycerides 86 (all fine according to the current acceptable ranges), but the statin drug was prescribed because his HDL was 44.  So what?  And, statin drugs do NOT raise HDL.  AND, statin drugs weaken many critical physiological functions and can ultimately kill. 

In the hormonal cascade, cholesterol is the "lord and giver of life."  Without cholesterol we are dead, and if we don't have enough of it, we aren't very healthy. And did you know that people with high cholesterol live the longest? "Knowledge is power..."  
Click above to view my presentation from Saturday, October 19, 2024. 
Click above to view my presentation from Saturday,
October 26, 2024.
Click above to access the pdf of the presentation.  Lots of links to further information within.
Click above to access the pdf presentation.
The natural steroid hormones are generally synthesized from cholesterol in various organs, including the gonads and adrenal glands. These hormone building blocks are known as lipids. Further conversions and catabolism occur in the liver, in other "peripheral" tissues, and in the target tissues and organs themselves. The synthesized hormones can pass through the cell membrane, as they are fat-soluble, and then bind to steroid hormone receptors to bring about rapid changes within the cell. Steroid hormones are generally carried in the blood bound to specific carrier proteins such as sex hormone-binding globulin or corticosteroid-binding globulin.

Cholesterol is a waxy steroid metabolite which regulates the fluidity and permeability of cell membranes. In addition, it is also an important component for manufacturing bile acids, vitamin D, and other steroid hormones. Cholesterol is the principle sterol synthesized in the body.

Cholesterol is the precursor to all other hormones downstream in the steroid hormone cascade.
Pomegranate is a terrific food for cardiovascular health and many other areas of health.  Check out my YouTube presentation featuring my PowerPoint slideshow with oodles of information.  For the PDF of the slide show with working links, click HERE:
Below is a presentation on my take on a healthy diet. 
Saturated fat for heart health?  Pass the butter, please!  You will see lots of help here when it comes to cardiovascular health and diet.  For the PDF, click HERE.
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