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Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Disease is another dreaded diagnosis. According to the AMA, there is no cure for Parkinson's and, really, only one medication to use along the way to try to slow down its progression. Here you will see information leading to an entire scientific underworld that flies in the face of that dismal picture and prognosis.
This is not information you are going to hear on the news or from your doctor. Remember, the information presented in the mainstream acknowledges only treatments and cures that spring from the AMA toolkit.
"Knowledge is power..."
This is a 71 slide presentation chock full of invaluable information regarding an intelligent nutraceutical approach to Parkinson's disease. Based on years of experience researching and working with people with Parkinson's, if you or someone you love or know can benefit from this information, do tune in. - July 13, 2024
Click above for the PDF of the presentation. This is full of informational hyperlinks, including a typical protocol I use for my clients with Parkinsonism.
Help yourself to lots of scientific and practical useful information. Be well!
"Hi Becky,
By chance, I found your live presentation on Parkinson’s disease yesterday and joined your zoom audience. It was VERY informative and I am sending it to another person who will benefit from it. I myself think that taking the elements that you have suggested to me has slowed and delayed the progression of my own Parkinson’s. Thank you SOOO much for your expertise and caring help over the years! Many people find it hard to believe that I have Parkinson’s!"
Parkinson's Medication
Cardidopa-Levidopa is the only prescribed medication for Parkinson's disease. However, its side effects are mysteriously very similar to the symptoms of the disease it is supposed to be treating. Also, this medication works for a limited period of time, so if it is going to be used it should be reserved for later in the disease process than earlier. By employing alternative strategies as I discuss on this page, this drug can in many cases be avoided altogether.
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